Monday, December 30, 2019

The surprising way pets are keeping children healthy

The surprising way pets are keeping children healthyThe surprising way pets are keeping children healthyHas your kid been begging for a furry friend? It may be time to grant their wish after experts in Sweden found a surprising connection between our pets and our childrens health.Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have published a new study purporting that the prevalence of allergic disease in children aged 79 years is reduced in a dose-dependent fashion with the number of household pets living with the child during their first year of life.That means that having a pet - or more than one - can decrease a childs risk of allergic reaction, including serious conditions such as asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema.Among two separate samples - a cross-sectional cohort that answered a questionnaire and a birth cohort that welches recruited to participate - researchers noticed the same overall trend. The risk for allergic reaction decreases among children who spend their youngest years surrounded by pets.In the cross-sectional cohort, researchers found that 49% of children who had neither a cat nor dog before their first birthday had experienced an allergy. But that number dropped to 0% among children who spent their first year of life with five or more pets.Meanwhile, data from the birth cohort indicate that children whose families owned one or more pets when they were six months old are less likely to ever experience allergic reactions.These findings are based on a mini-farm effect - having animals around has long conditioned infants to develop immunities to certain allergies, and as actual farms become less prevalent, household pets have taken over that role.So what does all of this mean for you? Well, if youre looking to expand your family, it may be time to consider a dog even before you decide on whether to have a child. Among pets many superpowers, it seems allergy-busting is one. And if you can save your future little one from serious health problems by adopting an adorable puppy, why wouldnt you?

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Internships for High School Students

Internships for High School StudentsInternships for High School StudentsInternship opportunities available for high school students are increasing and they provide students with valuable information even before they enter college. Just like any internship, theopportunities that are available for high school students give them a heads-up on some of the career options that are available to them even before they become a college student. Why Do an Internship as a High School Student? There are many reasons why you would want to do an internship as a high school student. For starters, internships are a great way to begin exploring career options and finding those jobs that may be of interest when landseeking to find a job that you may want to pursue in the future. Many students begin college with no idea of what career they may want to pursue, but by completing an internship, they begin to get acquainted early with some of the career opportunities that are available. Many times stude nts identify early what careers they dont want to do and that information can be just as valuable when learning about career options. Completing an internship as a high school student helps prepare you early for finding internships and jobs in the future. It also helps students decide what courses they may like to take when they begin college. High school students will begin to develop the confidence and skills they will need when applying for opportunities in the future. This experience will make it easier when applying since you will have already developed the skills you need to be successful. Internships during high school are not as prevalent as those that are completed during college. This is why doing a high school internship is so important because it can set you apart from your peers. The majority of internships during high school can be found by networking with family, friends, teachers, previous employers, etc., or by prospecting by contacting organizations of interest to see if they are interested in hiring a high school intern. The Resume High school internships also look impressive on a college resume where you can continue to add experiences courses, internships, jobs, co-curricular activities, volunteer opportunities a high school internship will provide valuable experience on your resume during your first year of college. By following the internship application process, you will learn important job search skills that will help you become successful when seeking a job after college. You will get a chance to explore a career of interest and begin networking with professionals in the field. Corporations with formal internship programs will post their procedure to apply. Its important to follow the directions to ensure that you can follow directions and have the ability to pay attention to details. First, you will need to create a resume (maybe a cover letter as well) and then learn how to interview that puts you ahead of the competition. Mak ing important networking connections at your internship is an important step in the process. Finding a good mentor at your internship can be especially helpful when seeking a recommendation as you seek other opportunities. Developing strong networking connections at your internship can be helpful when seeking recommendations and once youre in the job search process. Completing an internship during high school shows colleges that you are motivated and willing to work hard and are able to face a challenge. Your high school internship can be something that makes you stand apart from the competition in the application and interviewing process.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Thumbs Up for the Hitchhiker Robot

Thumbs Up for the Hitchhiker Robot Thumbs Up for the Hitchhiker Robot Thumbs Up for the Hitchhiker RobotIts not as common as it once welches, but occasionally youll see a hitchhiker on the road, thumb out, hoping to trade slow goings for wheels. But if a driver encountered the traveler in this story, the experience would be somewhat different.The hitchBOT was just what it sounded like, a robot hoping to find miles of road, in many passengers seats, with many different drivers.Working with new media technologies, we were interested in an unusual situation for a social robot, says David Harris Smith, assistant professor in the department of communication studies and multimedia at McMaster University. We thought it was important to have linguistic and speech recognition and we liked the idea of setting a robot loose in an unsupervised setting. That was the beginning, that you could create something that was somewhat autonomous. There was a period of time that we had this idea and then h ad this eureka moment Lets set a robot hitchhiking. The face of the robot was a four-sided LED system and it had animated graphics that ran off of an Arduino that changes the graphics. The hitchBOT also had a GPS unit to track itself and post information to databases, along with voice recognition and Lithium batteries providing about seven or eight hours running time. The hitchBOT catches a ride in Germany. Image Ryerson UniversityUnable to walk or move, how did it lift its arm to hitch? A servo motor. We also had flexible solar panels, which were not sufficient to recharge, but actually could keep the face illuminated and they would also slow down the battery drain and extend battery life, says Smith.According to Frauke Zeller, assistant professor at Ryerson University We thought about what kind of personality the robot should have and what they should talk about. We went for having a fun robot that wants to explore the world and thought what would humans ask? We started to define its personality and wrote dialogues. We even taught the robot a few jokes.The dialogue modeling was done with a program called Cleverscript and they could write their own customized dialogue anticipating conversation types. We also were able to use the GPS to classify by area, Smith says. It could retrieve information about that province or city and it could help add contextual awareness into conversation.To start the very first trip, hitchBOT was driven to Halifax and dropped off at the Trans-Canada Highway. We stepped back and in two minutes hitchBOT started off on a camping trip, Smith says.Zeller said hitchBOT became a magnet for people, heavily followed through social media. Traveling in 2014 and 2015, hitchBOT was invited to the Netherlands, by an artist to promote art in the region, and Germany, to be accompanied by a television team as part of documentary (hitchBOT didnt hitchhike to get to these destinations). Sadly, hitchBOT finally met its end in Philadelphia, where it wa s vandalized and destroyed.We never found out who did it and why they did it, Zeller says. We were surprised by then because it had been out in the public so long. But what was also surprising in a good way was all the support we received from social media. We didnt know thousands of people would post how sad they were, but they did.Eric Butterman is an independent writer.We were surprised by the vandalism by then because it had been out in the public so long. But what was also surprising in a good way was all the support we received from social media.Prof. Frauke Zeller, Ryerson University

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Identifying Your Job Interview Strengths and Weaknesses

Identifying Your Job Interview Strengths and WeaknessesIdentifying Your Job Interview Strengths and WeaknessesOne of the favorite questions of interviewers across industries and job positions is asking candidates to name their personal and professional strengths and weaknesses. An applicants ability to identify their areas of excellence and improvable traits demonstrates critical thinking skills, higher level analytical ability and on the spot conversational know how. While these are all positives from the interviewers perspective, being on the firing line of these types of queries can be a curveball to even the most seasoned of job searchers. Most people dislike talking about themselves in even social scenarios, much less with a career opportunity on the line. For a prepared interviewee, however, theres no need to fear which is why weve compiled some simple exercises, questions and prompts to help you tackle this pivotal portion of the interview with ease.Take a Personal InventoryTh e first step in preparing for your job interview involves an exercise in self-analysis. Grab yourself paper and pencil or a handy, high-tech device, and compile a simple list of strengths and weaknesses. At this point, you wont be looking for traits with a specific career or employment bent, only the areas in which you believe you excel or need improvement.If you find yourself at ease in crowds, add sociable or great conversationalist to the pros list. If youre often distracted when you set on a specific task, throw focus on the con side. In addition to personality traits, list skills that youve acquired through your education or prior experiences such as advanced certifications, knowledge about specific programs or systems and more.During this list-making exercise, its important to be as honest as possible. Its not like youll be sharing this list with your mom, after all. A frank analysis is an important first step and withholding less than desirable traits because of personal emba rrassment only lessens the effectiveness of your interview prep.Lets Talk About Those StrengthsWhile talking about your positive traits may seem like a walk in the park when done in a crowded bar with your latest Tinder date, pitching your attractive qualities to a prospective employer is another monster altogether. Theres a fine line between confidence and boastfulness and crossing that invisible mark can mean the difference between a job offer and a career version of a dear john letter.Analyze your list of strengths and compare with the listing for the job youll be interviewing for. Choose several traits, some obvious and others more nuanced, that you believe help make you an excellent fit for the company and position. It may also be helpful to peruse the companys website for a list of their institutional values or history to find other areas where your skill set may be applicable. When crafting your list of strengths that youll be offering up during the interview, think about way s to word your answers that come across as humble but confident. Know your strengths but dont pitch yourself as the best candidate that ever lived. This approach may not only hurt your job chances, it can also set unreasonable expectations for when you do end up landing the gig.We All Have Our WeaknessesNext, youll want to tackle that list of weaknesses, because no one can come up roses all the time whether in life or in their careers. The ability to spot areas where you may need improvement is a valuable trait to a prospective employer as it indicates that you have an open mind and the ability for personal and professional growth. Most employers are looking for employees that will stick with the company long-term and these skills are critical to identifying the best candidates for the job.While its easy enough to point out negative traits and communicate them in simple terms, the best candidates have the ability to turn frowns upside down when it comes to their personal and profess ional weaknesses. Identify traits that while seemingly negative, have the potential to be upsides when harnessed or developed fully. Tenacity can be a negative when it means you focus on one task past its usefulness but can also be a positive when looking for innovative solutions for tough problems. When the interviewer asks for your weakest traits, pick out these grey area characteristics. Be sure to mention how their negatives can often be frustrating but how youre working on pulling back or harnessing these skills to improve or become more accomplished in your career path.Overall, when answering questions about your strengths and weaknesses, keep in mind that your new employer is more interested in your skills and accomplishments that may make you a good employee and less about traits that have you leaving your bed unmade or make you an excellent gardener. Be honest with your self-analysis, do plenty of prep work for the actual interview and youll be acing these tricky questions and that much closer to landing an offer for the job of your dreams.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Resources, Management, and Work Related Questions

philanthropisch Resources, Management, and Work Related QuestionsHuman Resources, Management, and Work Related QuestionsDo you have a question about Human Resources, management or work in general? Questions from readers are answered regularly. This is a consolidation of reader questions from the past so that all of you can benefit from answers that may fit questions that you have, too. Please note that because of the amount of email received, it is difficult to personally respond to all questions. The questions most likely to receive a response are less personal and more universal in nature. Your questions and the answers need to assist the maximum number of readers. Following is a list of the questions and answers posted, to date, by topic. About HR Questions Readers have many questions about the practice of Human Resources, in general. The answers provided in this section respond to common questions. Are HR Staff Professionals?Can HR Staff Have Friends at Work?Can You Explain H ow HR Thinks?Do Managers Listen to HR?Have a Successful Career in HR?Whats an HR Job Really Like, Strategic or Not? Careers in HR Questions In addition to the general questions about HR, readers ask questions that are specific to starting and succeeding in a career in HR. Do HR Leaders Need a Degree?Expand Career in HR Beyond Current Job?How Can I Transition to HR for a Mid-Career, Mid-Level Job?How to Find a Job in HR?How to Land a Human Resources Job?Pursue a Career Change Within the HR Department?Qualified for an HR Job With a Two Year Degree?Start in HR Above Entry Level When Experienced in Other Fields?Transition into HR for a Mid-Career, Mid-Level Job?Transition to a Career in HR? Compensation Questions Readers ask many questions that are related to compensation because compensation in many organizations is never explained. This makes it a not to be talked about conversation so readers turn for advice. Ask for a Pay Raise at His Troubled Company?Ask for a Promised Rais e?How Do You Compensate Exempt Employees for Overnight and Weekend Travel?How to Handle Pay for Two Weeks Notice When an Employee Resigns?Late Performance Evaluation So No Raise? Employee Career Questions Frequently, readers ask questions that have to do with making progress in their careers. Career progress is a popular topic as it means more money, power, and satisfaction for many people. How to Get a Promotion in Current Company Instead of Leaving?Finding a Perfect Career?How to Prep for an Internal Job Interview?Resignation Letter, Sincerity About Reasons, or Not?What Can You Hope to Accomplish by Including It in Your Resignation Letter? Employee Discipline Related Questions How does a reader approach various situations that require discipline? Discipline is a tricky subject for many employers because it is fraught with legal implications. They also want to treat employees fairly and with professionalism. Fire an Employee Who Has a Poisonous Attitude?Put an Employee on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Correctly and Effectively? Employee Management and Relations Questions How to effectively manage and interact with employees receives a lot of attention from readers. They want to identify the most effective ways to respond to various situations. How to Manage an Employee Performance Challenge (Entitled, Burdened)?Performance Appraisal Systems That Rank, Rate, and Artificially Limit?Rehire a Fired Employee?Respond to an Employee Who Says He Is Job Searching?Unfair Changed Rating in Performance Review?Bring Up Retirement With an Older EmployeeWhat Can Be Done About Bullying That Doesnt Meet the Legal Definition of Hostile?How to Talk With an Employee About a Personal Hygiene Issue Hiring, Interviewing, and Selection Related Questions Many questions relate to the experience of employers in trying to recruit, interview, and select candidates for their open jobs. These questions also relate to how organizations carry out the process of recruit ing and hiring employees. Manager of the New Employee Was Not Included in the Hiring Process?Are Group Interviews More Effective Than One-on-Ones?Acknowledge Receipt of Job Applications?How to Turn Down Job Applicants Right Interpersonal Relationships Questions Interpersonal relationships and how to most effectively pursue managing them are covered by unterstellung answers to the questions of the HR content readers. Are Coworkers Negative About Non-Drinkers?Can Coworkers Documentation of Her Every Action Hurt Her?Can She Discuss With Coworker How His Competitiveness About All Work Is Making Them Look and Affecting Performance?Deal With an Employer Who Tracks Employee Minutes?Deal With Coworkers Harassing Behavior?Employee Wont Trust Coworkers Enough to Share Work?What Can You Do When Bullying Morphs Into Mobbing?Are Group Interviews More Effective Than One-on-Ones? Job Candidate Questions These are questions and answers that readers have about how to most effectively search for a job. The current job market is a candidates market but it has not always been this way, and undoubtedly, this will change again in the future. Can Employers Ask Your Age?Can Employers Legally Ask for My Social Security Number on the Job Application?How to Get Past the HR Gatekeeper When Applying for Jobs?Let the Potential Employer Know Dates of Interview Availability?What to Tell Potential Employers About Being Terminated From Their brde Job? Performing Your HR Job Questions These questions and answers relate directly to how HR professionals can best perform their jobs. Especially in a business climate that is beset by frequent threats of litigation, HR staff need nondiscriminatory, professionally appropriate approaches to handling most situations people experience at work. Grounds for a Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit?How to Control Intermittent FMLA Use and Abuse?How to Create a Procedure Manual?How to Make a Monthly Employee Recognition Program Effective?How to Do HR B usiness Planning?Re-establish and Rewrite Particularly Detailed Dress Code?Stay Up-to-Date on Changing Employment Laws and Regulations?When Do You Notify Coworkers That an Employee Has Resigned? Training, Development, and Assessment Questions Workforce training, education, and development questions and answers are needed by employers. They realize that the ability to grow their skills and career is a key factor in how and why organizations retain their employees. Differentiate Skills and Abilities in a KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) Assessment? Workplace Policies Questions Employers have many questions about when and how to make policy. Most workplaces have too many policies. This is because employers make policies to address the bad behavior of a few employees rather than addressing the behavior of the outlying employees individually. Are Dress Codes Legal?Can Former Employer Access His Company schmelzglas Legally After He Was Fired?Deal With Visible Employee Underw ear?Did Employee Violate Company Expense Policy by Traveling With Her Pet?Discuss Personnel Issues Via Email?Do You Recommend Flexible Hours as Your Work Schedule for Employees?Employee Handbooks Required by Law?Employees Selling Food at Work?How Should an Open Door Policy Work Really?Jobs Without Titles Pros and Cons?Should Employees Share Rooms on Business Trips? DisclaimerPlease note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and ?employment lawsand regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is provided for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Upside to 2 Column Resume

The Upside to 2 Column Resume The Basics of 2 Column Resume As you proceed through, be sure to make the resume your own. Consider an organization which receives a thousand resumes daily, and all of these have to get reviewed. Whether you would like to fill out an application for virtually any designers job in a creative company, or need to complete an application for a hot work in an important bank, professional resumes will have you covered. Resumes play a significant part in the hiring process. In some instances, it might attracts a couple of hundred resumes. Separate resumes are available for assorted disciplines. There are a lot of packages on the market which supply resume maker computer software program, however many, particularly the absolutely free variations, usually arent very useful and everybody is utilizing them, so your resume will probably look the identical anyway. Therefore, developing your resume in a 1 column layout will make sure that the ATS system scan s the appropriate information in a erkennbar way. When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you want a resume template that you may inject a little more personality into to make it pop. Your job app will be to the point because an expert knows the ideal approach to create it in the perfect quality. Using and formatting columns is quite straightforward. A template could possibly be a one-page resume, or a two-page resume, but until you realize what youd need to devote the resume that you do not understand what length will most likely get the job done best. The 2 columns format appears to be in a position to stuff in more details. When replacing text, its better to highlight and delete modest portions at a moment, even just single lines, in order to keep the original formatting. A couple of lines are sufficient. Consider two column resume template for a system, which you may strategically generates to be in a position to goal a particular work an d to receive the middle of the firm. Instead, click in the top part of the next column, section or text box to keep the design. At the finish of the program, you will be better outfitted to make your own Building Staff member Resume. Career advice is able to help you change something may not come to be fulfilling you any more. Your resume will wind up in an important ATS ultimately, even if you might have networked your way through personal connections within the industry enterprise. Shedding employment can make you truly feel helpless and hopeless, but it is critical to bear in mind that youre completely control. The Lost Secret of 2 Column Resume The computer software scans each resume, plucking out the appropriate info, and then makes an exceptional applicant file. The strategy needs to be custom tailored to every candidate. Utilizing resume maker program program is the fitting possibility if youre looking for a job readily available in the industry immediately. Writi ng resume with the assistance of application templates easily on the web has come to be the most effective system of writing resumes that ensure youre utilizing the right format and suitable information thats suitable for the job which youre applying for. Your resume summary is among the most significant elements of your resume. Also make certain that you tailor the document to the job that youre attempting to get. Before you commence writing a studienplan vitae, you are going to have to find out if the practical or chronological format is going to do the work right for you. Ultimately the choice is yours. The Importance of 2 Column Resume Finally, its essential to not incorporate any certifications that you dont possess, that is to say its strongly advised not to lie on a resume Selecting the right resume template can be hard. In some cases what youre going to need isnt a resume template whatsoever. It is possible to find more than 50 templates to select from. The chronolo gical resume template is offered below. If you think that you dont should build a resume template after that you may want to read further to figure out why specifically you wish to learn how to compose a resume. To begin with, you will require the ideal template. Calculate the positions across the webpage at which you will place tab stops. Furthermore, the notes can later be utilised as a study sheet. Naturally, you can alter the section names and details. As a bonus, you are going to receive a cover letter template and a ready-to-print small geschftlicher umgang card.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Make Sure You Look Good Online Not Just in Person

Make Sure You Look Good Online Not Just in Person As job candidates we spend lots of time primping ourselves for job interviews. Everything is ironed. No stains on the tie or skirt. All is in order. But many of us fail to landsee what we look like online. Theres not a lot you can do the day of an interview to make your online presence stand out, but with a little planning you should be able to dilute the impact of embarrassing photos and drunken online rants you regretted the moment you hit publish.Well, the has some good advice proving once again the student can be the teacher. In article entitled, 5 Things Employers Want To See When They Google You, the site advises, You already avoid pictures with red Solo cups. You dont share anything you wouldnt want your mom to see. And you keep a close eye on your privacy settings. But this alone is not enough to make you hirable. Because when employers search online, they want your digital presence to give them more than a person free of red flags.As the site says, Employers want to get a sense of buzzword warning your authentic self. (Kudos to SavvyIntern for warning us about the buzzword.)Here is their list of the 5 thingsA Likeable PersonalityAppropriate EndorsementsA Consistent Public PersonaThe Right Kind of Private LifeAlignment of ValuesLets look at the personality issue first. As SavvyIntern says, employers seek people who seem stable, friendly, curious, creative and reliable. It helps if you have online relationships through Facebook and LinkedIn. Show your ability to network and it could demonstrate you know how to play well with others.Appropriate endorsements ties back into the whole Facebook, LinkedIn networking. Dont affiliate yourself online with groups that are going to cast you in a negative light. It might be good to scrub those relationships as soon as possible. And, feel strongly about maintain ing those connections? Consider doing it under an alias. If it works for celebrities it can work for you.A consistent public persona sounds like advice for aspiring politicians but it applies to anyone in the public spotlight. (Anybody online is in the public spotlight.) Employers want to see you think before you post. Review your Twitter and Facebook feeds. Delete posts that might present you in an unsuitable light.The right kind of private life is just what it sounds like. Show yourself doing grown up hobbies like fine dining, exercise and travel. Highlighting your Minecraft wizadry might just work against you at all but gaming companies.Alignment of values sounds simple because it is. If the companys reputation is fairly conservative, try not to be online with posts counter to their culture.This is the real tricky part when it comes to alignment of values. Remember that religion is not necessarily going to work in your favor. Previously we had written about a University of Connec ticut study that found Muslims face discrimination in hiring. In a study of New England hiring habits, researchers found, applicants expressing any religious identification received 19 percent fewer overall contacts than the applicants from the non-religious control group.The UConn study also looked at Southern hiring habits. The Southern study found that religious resumes received 29 percent fewer emails and 33 percent fewer phone calls than the control-group resumes but Muslim applications got 38 percent fewer emails and 54 percent fewer phone calls than the non-religious control group, the study determined.Get online. Google yourself. Share your results with trusted advisors. Start scrubbing or, almost as effectively, departure writing new material. Maybe employers wont look beyond the first two pages of Google results.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Beekeeper Career Profile and Job Outlook

Beekeeper Career Profile and Job OutlookBeekeeper Career Profile and Job OutlookBeekeepers, also known as apiarists, manage and maintain colonies of honey bees that produce honey and provide pollination services. Beekeeper Duties The primary duty of a beekeeper is to keep hives healthy and productive so they are able to yield honey and related byproducts such as beeswax. A beekeeper is responsible for assessing the health of the hive, checking for mite infestations, monitoring and treating the hive when health problems arise, and maintaining detailed records of health, medication administration, and honey production. A beekeeper may also be responsible for preparing bees and equipment for pollination activities, feeding bees, cleaning and constructing hives, raising and replacing queen bees, dividing colonies when necessary, and replacing combs. Some beekeepers may work directly with honey processing and bottling equipment. Beekeepers must work long hours during the warmer months , spending most of their time outdoors in variable weather conditions. Work may be required on nights, weekends, and holidays. Beekeepers must wear special protective clothing such as veils, gloves, and suits. They also must properly use bee smokers and other hive tools to safely access the hive. Career Options Beekeepers can have small hobbyist operations or be a parte of large commercial production farms. Beekeepers may also specialize in a specific area of interest such as honey production, pollination services for fruit and vegetable farmers, or bee breeding. Beekeepers may also find work with some elementary schools or 4-H programs, where children have the chance to learn beekeeping skills. There are additional opportunities in education at the college level, with employment available through animal science departments and university extension agencies. The bee industry is especially strong in countries such as China, Argentina, Turkey, and the United States, according to t he Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). There are many international opportunities with major commercial operations if a beekeeper wishes to travel and work overseas. Education and Training New beekeeping enthusiasts can gain valuable experience by apprenticing with experienced beekeepers before venturing out on their own. Large commercial bee farms also may offer evening or weekend beekeeping classes that are open to the public. There are a number of beekeeping events across the country, but one of the largest educational events is the North American Beekeeping Federation Conference Tradeshow put on by the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF). This popular national event is held each January and boasts a regular attendance of over 600 beekeeping enthusiasts. The conference features a variety of educational sessions for novices and professionals, a trade show, and the American Honey Show. Many colleges and universities offer short course seminars on be ekeeping for novices or master courses for professionals. Two such programs can be found at Cornell University and the University of Florida. Cornell University offers beekeeping workshops at the apprentice, journeyman, and master levels. The University of Florida offers a two-day Bee College seminar as well as the Florida Master Beekeeper Program (MBP) as part of their Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab. The MBP consists of four levels, the highest being Master Craftsman Beekeeper. There are also a variety of insect-related internships that could be of use. While a degree is not required in order to work in this profession, many beekeepers have an undergraduate degree in animal science or a biological field. It is also possible to pursue a graduate level degree related to beekeeping. Groups such as the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees offer graduate scholarships to be applied to a students bee research. A masters or Ph.D. degree related to beekeeping can be pursued in areas such as agricultural management and entomology. Beekeeper Salary Income for a beekeeper can vary widely based on experience, education, and type of employment (i.e., hobbyist or commercial producer). Sokanu cites an average salary of $25,000. Theres also the opportunity for part-time or hobbyist beekeepers to make money, generally tending to their bees on nights and weekends while primarily holding a job in another field. Additional income may be earned if a beekeeper produces and markets honey or beeswax products. Another earning option is selling starter or replacement bees to other beekeeping operations. Job Outlook The number of beekeepers is expected to show continued growth over the next decade, as mora and more backyard beekeepers are expected to enter the field or increase the size of their operations. While the industry must continue to deal with threats such as Africanized bees, mites, and Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), interest in beekeeping and byproduc ts such as honey and wax should remain strong.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Material does the impossible Grows under pressure

Material does the impossible Grows under pressure Material does the impossible Grows under pressure Material Does the Impossible Grows Under PressureSqueeze something from all sides and its supposed to shrink. At least thats what the laws of physics, to say bedrngnishing of common sense, tells us. In fact, an object that becomes larger under pressure would seem to violate the very word compression.But Jingyuan Qu, a researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has created a model of just such a seemingly impossible object.Its a cube, filled with tiny, sealed, drum-like hollow spaces. When the pressurebe it air, or water, or some other substancearound the cube increases, the coverings to those hollow spaces warp, like a drumhead. They are connected to levers, and as the coverings warp, the levers rotate, translating the pressure to overall expansion.Its not the material volume that expands, says Qu, but the interface where your unit cell ends. Although the material gets compre ssed, the overall size gets increasedotherwise it would be impossible from the laws of physics.The ideaand the geometryof the cube sprang from work Qu did earlier this year on a similarly counterintuitive object. That one shrank when heated. To do so, it needed bars made of two materials with different thermal expansion properties. The difference between them made the bar bend. We translated this bending into overall shrinking, says Qu.Though similar in construction, the negative compression cube uses only one material. That makes it ripe for 3D printing. In the world of 2D printing the use of three colors gives you millions of color choices. With 3D printing, we are more or less stuck with the material properties of the materials we print with. But Qus metamaterials may change that. By tweaking the unit structure, you will be able to determine an objects response to compression, andif printing with two materialsits thermal expansion properties as well.Diagram of the cube designed b y Prof. Jingyuan Qus team. Image Jingyuan Qu, Muamer Kadic and Martin WegenerHowever mind-boggling the concept of negative compression, creating the structure was fairly straight forward, says Qu. One of the challenges was to get our minds clear as to what is happening here, and why this is not a violation, he says. But the actual simulations were quite easy to do.Qu says its only a matter of months before he has managed to produce an actual object with negative compressibility. Though his lab is focused on smaller scale unit cells that would be used together to created larger objects, the concept is not limited to the micro.Everything is scalable, he says. The only thing that would be some kind of issue is that with a large scale unit it might problematik apart of its own weight.However large the units may be, they will have applications anywhere that an instrument or object needs to remain unaffected by pressure.You could maybe come up with something with almost zero effective com pressibilityif you had some machines with sensitive parts working in high pressure environments, this would be something you could think of, says Qu. Maybe in a submarine which goes really deep in the ocean. The submarine gets deformed as a whole, but you want to have certain parts that do not.What we gain here is the ability to tailor compressibility. Michael Abrams is an independent writer.One of the challenges was to get our minds clear as to what is happening here, and why this is not a violation. But the actual simulations were quite easy to do.Prof. Jingyuan Qu, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Recruiter Secrets Job Seekers Should Know

Recruiter Secrets Job Seekers Should Know Recruiter Secrets Job Seekers Should Know 16Whenever you are in the role of a job seeker, there tends to be a lot of unanswered questions, usually surrounding the lack of response for the much-wanted interview. While there is no magic formula to make things happen quickly, there are job search tips and recruiter secrets job seekers should know in order to improve their chances at job search success. Over the years, successful job searching has evolved to keep up with technology and the use of social media. Although the general rules, so to speak, may have been changed, the foundation of a successful job search has remained the same. If you are looking to gain an edge in your job search, check out the following recruiter secrets. This includes following instructions, communicating professionally, and being timely in your job search. Recruiter Secrets Job Seekers Should Know Recruiters are sticklers for instructions. Follow instructions. Although there are systems that scan resumes and cover letters, there are real people skimming your documents too. You increase your chances greatly if you simply follow the instructions in the job posting. EVERY interaction with a company is a reflection of you. Through phone calls, emails, and meetings, the way you present yourself and interact with others is a direct reflection of your work, personality, and abilities. Be consistent across your personal brand. Be consistent throughout your documents, interactions, and social media happenings. Recruiters are looking at these different pieces of the puzzle and if they don’t add up, neither will your chances of landing the job. Mind your correspondence. It is inevitable that you will correspond with recruiters. So, through this process, do so correctly. Use a professional personal email address (such as first and last name), don’t use slang, mind your grammar, dont point out mistakes made by the recruiter or company, and always use a professional tone. Be honest, nicely. Recruiters want honesty, but not the brutal honesty you may give friends and family. If you are in a situation where you HAVE to say something, instead of saying things like You are a difficult person to work with, try using phrases such as “I can be a team player, but sometimes my best work is completed independently.” It is honest, but not brutally honest. Slow and steady does not win this race. The quicker you respond to job advertisements and the more diligent you are at responding to phone calls and emails, the better your chances of making a good impression and getting the interview or job. In addition to utilizing the above recruiter secrets, job seekers should make sure to update their resume, network, and consider any valuable job search services. By building and utilizing a personal job search toolbox, job seekers can focus job search efforts, get their brand out there, and be more productive in their job search. Do you know of any other recruiter secrets that job seekers should know? Share your tips with us below!